Monday, June 14, 2010

What's it Really all About?

I went to a concert by one of my favorite people, Joani Tabor. She was in Memphis yesterday(June 13). She always inspires, but yesterday even more than ever. I didn't go to be entertained--I went to hear Jesus message for me. And He didn't disappoint.
I have several people I love that Jesus has sent to me to tell His word. They are very difficult people. Not bad people, just very set in their unbelief. Joani gave me several ways to witness to these people. I know these came from God, because they were so right on.
I am in a constant state of upheavel in my brain and soul because of the state fo the country. In this day of information, we cannot hide under a rock and pretend nothing is happening.
As I sort my thought, it has occured to me God is in the internet and it is more than likely part of His plan. How else could so many people be so aware of the state of the world, or could so many see what is happening as it happens. Of course, Satan is going to use it to his advantage, too, but we all know who wins.
I am developing in my head where a lot of current events fit together.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

It's a New Day here at Chez Linda

Writing has always been my outlet. It helps me focus on my problems, thoughts and crisis if I can write. So, after my son, Tommy, told me in all seriousness I need to get a blog, I decided, why not? His reason for telling me this was my lengthy and controversial posts on facebook.

I will probably fly all over the spectrum of topics--so many things light my fire--politics, religion, family, friends, love, hate, fun, grief. So, this will be my forum. If I'm the only one who cares, so be it. I like to read my stuff every once and a while just to see what brilliant thing I thought(and forgot). So, if you're reading it, I hope you are entertained or caused to think. If not, oh well. Get your own blog.